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 Paulina Pudło
2014 - now The Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice
Field of study: BA in Opera singing (will be graduated in June 2017)
2013 - 2014 The Kodály Institute in Kecskemét
Erasmus studies
2011 - now The Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music in Katowice
Field of study: BA in Art education in the field of music (graduated in June 2014) and MA in Art education in the field of music (will be graduated in June 2016)
2006 - 2010 The Grzegorz Fitelberg Secondary Music School in Chorzów
Main subject: vocal (graduated with honors)
 conducting Schola, 2012,
 participated in a 3 CD recordings, 2012,
 participated in many concerts as a singer,
 organization of concerts, including charitable,
 singing in a variety of projects, from Renaissance music to the entertainment,
 Vocal Workshops in Łeba, 2008.
 English - good,
 Polish - fluent.
 keep to learn new skills,
 good communication and interpersonal skills,
 friendly and open attitude to people,
 good contact with children,
 hard working and perseverance in the pursuit of purposes,
 wide interest in music.
 singing,
 culinary,
 pedagogic and psychology,
 religious studies.


Fehér Galamb

Országos Népzenei Verseny XV.

(katt a képre)

Cimbalom mesterkurzus

„Ha eljönnél hozzám Fehér Galambocskám" V.

Leírás és jelentkezés a képre kattintva


II. Nemzetközi Kárpátmedencei


Jelentkezni a képre kattintva lehet

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vasárnap március 16, 18:00 - 20:00
Yao Kairui
vasárnap március 23, 16:00 - 17:30

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