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Tomáš Šelc




1990 – 1998 elementary school, Bratislava

1998 – 2002 high school of economics, Bratislava

2002 – 2008 Conservatory, Bratislava, specialization choir conducting

2003 - 2009 Conservatory, Bratislava, specialization opera singing

2009 - 2014 University of Music, Bratislava, opera singing



2006 – 1. place and prize for the best interpretation of baroque music

       at the International Vocal Competition „Iuventus Canti“ in    

2007 – 1. place at the competition Slovak conservatories

2007 – 1. place in category „SONG“, 3. place in category „JUNIOR“ and

       the prize for the best interpretation of Dvořák´s song at the

       International Vocal Competition of Antonín Dvořák in Czech


2008 – 1. place and prize OSA for the best interpretation of

       contemporary music composed after 1950 at the International Vocal

       Competition of spiritual and concertant music in Czech republic

2008 – 2. place at the International Vocal Competition of Mikuláš

       Schneider – Trnavský in Slovakia

2009 – 1. place and interpretation prize at the International Vocal

       Competition „Iuventus canti“ in Slovakia

2009 - „Absolutly winner“ and interpretation prize (solo concerts tour

       with Philharmony Brno 2009/2010) at the International Vocal

       Competition of spiritual and concertant music in Czech Republic

2010 – 1. place and prize of Dohnányi Orchestra at the International

       Vocal Competition G. F. Händel in Hungary.

2012 – 1. place at the International Vocal Competition „Ad honorem

                 Mozart“ in Czech Republic


Work with choirs:

From 2006 host member of Bamberger Symphoniker in Germany

From 2012 host member of Taverner Consort (Andrew Parrott)

From 2014 host member of Collegium Vocale Gent (Philippe Herreweghe)

From 2014 host member of Clemencic Consort (René Clemencic)


Solo cooperation with orchestra:

Kanazawa Symphony Orchestra (Japan), Johannesbourg Symphony Orchestra (SAR), Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz (Germany), Orchestre National des pays de la Loire (France),Schleswig-Holstein Orchestra (Germany), Bamberger Symphoniker (Germany), Elbipolis Barocque Orchestra (Germany), Savaria Baroque Orchestra (Hungary),Dohnányi Orchestra Budafok (Hundary),NDR Orchestra (Germany),Clemencic Consort (Austria),Zlín Philharmonic Orchestra (Czech republic), Brno Philharmonic Orchestra (Czech republic) Bohdan Warchal Chamber Orchestra (Slovakia), Solamente naturali (Slovakia) and others.


Participation in festivals:

Johannesbourg International Mozart Festival(JAR), Festival International de Santander(Spain),Ludwig van Beethoven Easter Festival(Poland), Wratislawia Cantans (Poland), Prag Spring (Czech republic),Bratislava Music Festival (Slovakia), Konvergencie (Slovakia), Central European Music Festival (Slovakia) and others.


CD Recordings:

2010 – G. Faure – Requiem (Hänssler Classic, Rolf Beck)

2010 – V. Godár – Querela pacis (Pavian Records, Andrew Parrott)

2012 – A. Albrecht – Biographie (Pavian Records), First profile CD

2013 – Church Music of Slovak Composers (Music Forum), Second profile CD

2014 – G. Dettelbach - Paratum Cor (Serafin)


Opera roles:

2013 - W. A. Mozart – Don Giovanni – Masetto, Leporello (National Theatre in


2014 - G. Donizetti – Maria di Rohan – Vicomte de Suze (National Theatre in


2014 - W. A. Mozart – La Clemenza di Tito – Publius (Slovak National Theatre in


2014 - R. Strauss – Salome - The First Nazarene (Slovak National Theatre in


2015 - G. Paisiello – King Theodoro in Venice – Taddeo (Slovak National Theatre

                 in Bratislava)



Since 2009 he has been conducting the female choir Nevädza in Stupava (SK) and since 2013 he has been conducting the chor Stella in Senec (SK).


Tomáš Šelc focuses on the interpretation of  spiritual music, and  songs  as 

well  as  operetta  and opera.





Fehér Galamb

Országos Népzenei Verseny XV.

(katt a képre)

Cimbalom mesterkurzus

„Ha eljönnél hozzám Fehér Galambocskám" V.

Leírás és jelentkezés a képre kattintva


II. Nemzetközi Kárpátmedencei


Jelentkezni a képre kattintva lehet

 YouTube csatornánk:



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