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Bokor Jutta


She graduated from the Academy of Music as a student of Márta Ónody in 1983, from when she was a private singer of the Hungarian State Opera House, where she impersonated great mezzo heroines of Mozart, Verdi, Bizet and Offenbach. She is a sought singer of oratorio pieces, her voice can be heard at concerts as well as LPs.

She was learn germann songs by Lohre Fischer, Hanne Lohre Kuhse ,and Normann Shatler in Leipzig.

Russhen and italian roles by Jevgeni Nesterenko.


She achieved 2nd place at the singing contest "Singer of the World" in Cardiff organized by BBC Wales in 1985.

She had a contract with the Volksoper of Vienna since 1985.  Nancy in LUstige Weiber, 2nd Dame is Zauberflote, Orlovsky in Fledermaus.

And a premier Siegfried Matthus: Die Gedankstimme des Cornets.

 She sang the alto solo of the oratorio Elijah (Elias) by Mendelssohn at the Berliner Capella in 1994.

 She was Zerlina at the Don Giovanni premiere at the Montreal Opera from which an opera-movie was made.It has a ZDF Opera Film Prodaction.


She was the Hungarian representative of the Friendship concert organized as part of the Peoples of the Danube Festival in the memory of Lutoslawski held in the Concert Hall of the Polish Radio in 1998.

She sang Ocavian of the Knight of the Rose (Der Rosenkavalier) and the alto solo of the Easter Oratorio by Bach in Zagreb, in 1999 which was recorded by the television.


She played the main role or supporting roles of several Hungarian opera movies. She was guest artist in Belgium, National Divadlo of Prague (Carmen, Amneris, Laura), Divadlo of Brno, Germany, United Kingdom, Iceland, Poland and the former Soviet Union.


Her most remarkable roles: Carmen, Amneris, Preziosilla, Octavian, Komponista, Suzuki, Sesto, Annio, 2nd Dame, 3rd Dame, Cherubino, Marcellina, Dorabella, Rosina, Laura, Frau Reich, Nancy, Zipra, Nicolauss, Mercedes , 2.and 3 Dame from Zauberflote.


The proof of her versatileness is not only the roles she played but also her opennes and interest to other fields of culure: she is a presenter of a radio show (Bartók and Petőfi Radio) and she hold master classes in Majk


Awards and recognition


1985 Singer of the World, 2nd place (Wales)

1992 Bartók-Pásztory Award

2007 Podmaniczky Award

2008 "Pro Budapest” Award

2010 Artisjus Award

Honorary citizen of Rákosmente


Chairperson of the Board of the Bartók Music House of Rákoshegy where she organizes domestic and international courses of clasical music, folk music contests ("White Dove").


She is the dreamer and presenter of classical concerts, interactive program for children.


Her tale-opera called Bogáncs ("Thistle") is on the program of the Opera House.


She is the Ambassador of the Opera House: she holds interactive musical sessions country-wide.

CD sof Jutta Bokor

Carl Goldmark solo song a/ welt premiere first prodaction/ Hungaroton/

Golden Cloudes solo song/ Hungaroton/

 Zoltán Horusitzky songs with Tamás Salgó pianist/ Hungaroton/

Mozart: Kronungs Messe by Janos Ferencsik /Hungaroton/

Beethoven:C dúr Messe by: Miklós Erdélyi/Hungaroton/

Richardt Wagner Parsifal –Page by Janos Ferencsik /Hungaroton/

Bartók Music House Prodaction/


Johann Sebatian Bach : h-moll Messe by Jurij Simonov/ States Opera/

Richardt Strauss Lieder mit Anna Lugosi pianist/

Emil Petrovics: Göndör bárány/ Szerb dalok/ with: László Borbély pianist

Balázs Árpád: Vádoló múltunk kamaroper  with:Kodály Quartet




Fehér Galamb

Országos Népzenei Verseny XV.

(katt a képre)

Cimbalom mesterkurzus

„Ha eljönnél hozzám Fehér Galambocskám" V.

Leírás és jelentkezés a képre kattintva


II. Nemzetközi Kárpátmedencei


Jelentkezni a képre kattintva lehet

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